School Master
Record, manage, and access all information about your school, including School Name, Census Number, Administrative Entity, School Independence, School Status, Gender, Education Stage, Education Grades, and various Addresses.
Property Master
Record, manage, and access all information about your property, including Property Name, Directorate, Property Status, and various Addresses.
College Master
Record, manage, and access all information about your college, including College Name, Census Number, Administrative Entity, College Independence, College Status, Gender, Education Stage, and various Addresses.
University Master
Record, manage, and access all information about your university, including University Name, Census Number, Administrative Entity, University Independence, University Status, Gender, and various Addresses.
Literacy Center Master
Record, manage, and access all information about your literacy center, including Literacy Center Name, Census Number, Administrative Entity, Literacy Center Independence, Literacy Center Status, Gender, Education Stage, and various Addresses.